The slip stitch is a basic crochet stitch used for combining pieces, creating decorative details, or finishing an edge. In crochet patterns, this stitch is abbreviated as sl st.
Step-By-Step Instructions
The slip stitch is the smallest, flattest basic crochet stitch. With just a bit of practice, you’ll soon master this simple stitch!
1) Place your hook underneath both parts of the first stitch.
2) Yarn over.
3) Pull through.
4) Pull through again to close the round with a slip stitch.
Projects You Can Make With A Slip Stitch
The slip stitch may be simple, but it’s perfect for adding texture to your crochet projects. Here are three ideas on how you can use the slip stitch:
- Joining: The slip stitch is commonly used to join pieces together in crochet, such as when making hats or amigurumi.
- Borders: Adding a row of slip stitches around the edge of your project can create a clean, polished border.
Surface crochet: You can create surface designs and textures using the slip stitch on top of finished rows. It’ll look similar to embroidery.
Common Questions
Do You Have To Crochet In The Round To Use A Slip Stitch?
You can use the slip stitch in flat and round crochet projects.
How Do You Create A Border With Slip Stitches In Crochet?
To create a border with slip stitches, simply work a row of slip stitches around the edges of your project. You can adjust the number or placement of your stitches to achieve different effects.