The magic ring in crochet is a technique with many names. You may have heard it called the magic loop or magic circle. Whatever you call it, this technique is essential for any crocheter looking to work in the round.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Follow these steps, and you’ll soon be a pro at creating a magic loop!
1) Place the yarn over your first two fingers, with the tail facing down.
2) Loop the yarn around to create an “X” over your fingers.
3) Turn your hand over to reveal two pieces of yarn.
4) Place your hook underneath the first, with the hook facing down.
5) Pull the second piece of yarn through the first.
6) Twist your hook so it’s facing up.
7) Carefully slide your fingers out so you’re holding the loop with your right hand.
8) Hold the working yarn with your left hand.
9) Pull the ring to the left, making sure the tail is also on the left.
10) Yarn over.
11) Pull through to finish your magic circle.
Projects You Can Make With A Magic Loop
Now that you’ve mastered the magic loop techniques, there are endless possibilities for what you can create with it!
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Amigurumi
- Beanies
- Circular shawls
- Socks
Common Questions
1) Can You Adjust The Size Of Your Magic Ring?
The magic ring is adjustable! Pull on the tail end of the yarn to make it bigger or smaller.
2) What’s The Difference Between A Magic Loop And A Chain 4 Loop?
Many round crochet patterns start with a chain 4 loop, which is made by making a loop with a string of four chains. But this version isn’t adjustable like the magic loop. It also leaves a small hole in the center, whereas the magic loop closes without a gap.